Hawaiian Lomilomi

Discover Lomilomi

Lomilomi (massage), born from the heart of Hawaii’s traditions, is more than a massage – it’s a sacred practice that honours the body as a vessel of healing energy. Guided by the spirit of Aloha, Lomilomi seeks to restore harmony within the body, mind, and spirit, while weaving a tapestry of tranquility that echoes through time.  It’s an exquisite journey of rejuvenation, transformation, and profound connection.

Picture This

The soothing sounds of ocean waves, the scent of tropical flowers, and the gentle touch of skilled hands. Lomilomi, with its long, flowing strokes reminiscent of ocean waves, invites you to surrender to the rhythm of nature itself. As tension melts away and energy flows freely, you are transported to a realm of deep serenity.

A Holistic Therapy

As you are cradled in the embrace of Lomilomi, you are invited to release what no longer serves you – stress, tension, and worries fade into the background. In this safe space, you are free to invite in the energies of renewal, vitality, and inner peace. Lomilomi’s touch reaches beyond the physical, touching the very essence of who you are, inviting you to step into a state of balance and rejuvenation.

Whether you seek solace from the demands of modern life, a path to self-discovery, or a moment of pure self-care, Lomilomi offers a sanctuary of healing and transformation. It’s a reminder that the connection between mind, body, and spirit is sacred, and the journey to wholeness is an ongoing dance.

Experience Lomilomi – where the essence of Aloha meets the embrace of healing. Your journey to renewed harmony awaits.

Hawaiian Lomilomi – The Bodywork

“In everything we’ve done, massage is significantly effective. There’s not a single condition we’ve looked at—including cancer—that hasn’t responded positively to massage.”
Tiffany Field, Phd, Director, Touch Research Institute, University of Miami

When you combine the proven positive effects of massage with the power of Hawaiian philosophy and teachings, you get Hawaiian Lomilomi.

You’ll receive not only relief from your bodily aches and pains, you’ll also experience the deep relaxation that resets your nervous system.

Lomilomi is also known as “loving hands” massage as we believe that our hands are the extensions of our hearts. Lomilomi touches you with awareness with the intention to find a better and more harmonic state within your mind, body and spirit.

Benefits . . .

  • Relieves aches and pains
  • Reduces daily stress and tensions
  • Relaxes your nervous system
  • Enhances sleep
  • Releases unexpressed emotions in the body
  • Brings about a sense of calmness
  • Improves respiration and circulation
  • Harmonises the energies in your body
  • Improves flexibility

You should know that your optimal health and well-being matter.  So, make them your priority today to fully enjoy the abundance of your life.